4 Signs of Work-Related Stress That You Should Not Ignore

4 Signs of Work-Related Stress That You Should Not Ignore

If you are experiencing stress related to your work, you are not alone. A majority of workers in the country experience some form of stress at work. In fact, in a survey, it was reported that 65% of employees feel highly stressful at work while 25% of the employees think that their jobs are the biggest cause of stress in their lives. Now, with millions of people working from home during the pandemic, work stress is bound to increase as there are hardly any boundaries between work and personal life. And when this stress becomes too overwhelming, it leads to a burnout. So, how do you know that you are suffering from work stress? Here are some of the signs you should look out for:

1. You are always thinking about work

Your actual work hours may be nine to five, but you are thinking about work all through the day, whether it is at the dinner table or when you are hanging out with your family. Work is the only topic of conversation you can come up with and the only thing in your mind when you are pretending to listen to others. While it is not possible to completely forget about your job when you are not at it, you should try to avoid thinking about it as much as you can.

2. You are losing productivity

Even when you are working, you cannot focus because a million thoughts are running through your head. What does this do? It diminishes your productivity. And this leads to a vicious circle in which you are worried about all the work that you have to do but you are so worried about it that you cannot get anything done.

3. You are losing your temper easily

Are you finding yourself getting easily annoyed or angry when a problem comes up? Do you exhibit passive aggressive behavior with your coworkers or your family? It could be a sign of work stress. A lot of people don’t realize when they are being rude, and this is because they are so stressed that they don’t realize that their behavior could be hurtful to others.

4. You aren’t sleeping well

After a long, tiring day slogging away at work, all you look forward to is a good night’s sleep. But when you finally retire to bed, you just spend your time staring at the ceiling. And when you do fall sleep, you spend the whole night tossing and turning in your bed. The next morning, you are as tired as you were the day before. Insomnia is a common sign of work stress that you should not ignore.

One of the best ways to deal with work stress is by joining a mindfulness based stress reduction workshop. At Bhavna’s Wellness Group, we offer corporate stress management workshops that are designed to help individuals become better performers by letting go of anger, pain, trauma, fears, sickness and much more. We also offer personal development workshops. Get in touch with us for more information.