Coaching and Healing

with Bhavna, The Golden Light


Bhavna, The Golden Light

Founder and President of Bhavna’s Wellness Group and Saving People Org.

She is the Golden Light, a Global Spiritual Guru, Philanthropist, Transformational Lifestyle Coach and Mentor, Reiki Grand Master Teacher, Trainer, and International Speaker, and Best-selling author.  She is here to help others connect to their heart centers, see their inner beauty, and shine brightly their light to create a better world, she keeps love at the core of everything.

About Bhavna's Golden Light

She became the Golden Light on December 21, 2012, at 11:30 pm, in DoubleTree, Westborough, Massachusetts with 270 people witnessing and being part of that event. It was as if a divine Golden Light energy descended upon her, illuminating her essence and purpose. From that moment onward, Bhavna became not only the  Golden Light but also a conduit for healing, transformation, and shifting lives.

She is dedicated to spreading love, light, and healing to all corners of the world. Her purpose is simple yet profound: to help people find happiness, peace, and fulfillment in their lives. Bhavna believes in the power of compassion and connection to create a better world for everyone. Her dream is to build communities where individuals can come together to support, uplift, and inspire each other.

Bhavna’s Golden Light has been marked by her expertise in healing and transformational journey for others. Through her unique gifts and abilities, she has touched the lives of more than 50,000 individuals all over the world, guiding them on their paths to self-discovery and empowerment. Bhavna’s approach is gentle yet powerful, offering soulful guidance and support to those seeking healing and growth. As the Golden Light, she serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, illuminating the way for others to follow.

Bhavna’s calling goes beyond her own personal journey; it extends to serving others and making a positive impact in the world. Through her philanthropic efforts and community initiatives, she strives to uplift and empower those in need. Bhavna is committed to supporting causes that promote education, feeding, shelter, healthcare, and social works, working tirelessly to create a brighter future for all. As the Golden Light, she creates ripples of love, compassion, and healing, touching the hearts and souls of everyone she encounters.

About Bhavna Srivastava

Bhavna, armed with a BA (Honors) and an MBA, is a skilled Soul Strategist, guiding individuals toward personal growth through her concept of the Golden Light. She’s recognized as a thought leader, best-selling author, Transformational Speaker, Relationships and Spiritual Coach, Mentor, and Trainer. Bhavna pioneers the Golden Light healing modality and is a Grandmaster in Reiki. As Founder and President of Bhavna’s Wellness Group, she leads a thriving holistic wellness business.

Bhavna’s approach is unique and holistic, aimed at helping individuals not only discover their purpose but also embrace and embody it fully. She specializes in working with multi-passionate individuals who possess a vision and a sense of a grander purpose. Through her signature Golden Light Method, she orchestrates shifts and transformations, allowing her clients to step into their spotlight, focusing on their soul purpose.

A testament to her abilities lies in her track record of assisting clients in transforming their financial landscapes—taking them from earning $1,500 to a staggering $1 million annually through her coaching, mentoring, and training.

In the world of old soul healers, Bhavna is the master Healer and Teacher, imparting wisdom and empowering them to heal and guide others. Embodying Walt Disney’s timeless adage, “Dreams do come true,” Bhavna invites you to join her in this transformative journey, where dreams are not just visions—they’re destinies waiting to be realized. So, let’s dream and make them come true!

Her Philanthropic Works

Not content with personal success, Bhavna extends her reach as a philanthropist and founder of Saving People Inc., channeling her energy towards positive change in the lives of many with her 5 pillars. The Pillars are:

  1. Serving People
  2. Feeding People
  3. Educating People
  4. Empowering People
  5. Wellness for People
Bhavna’s Philanthropic Works is dedicated to serving humanity and nurturing our planet through our pillars: Serving People & Mother Earth, Feeding People, Educating People, Empowering People, and Total Wellness for People. With a commitment to creating positive change, we strive to address the fundamental needs of individuals and communities, from providing food and education to empowering individuals to reach their full potential and promoting holistic wellness. Join us in our mission to make a meaningful difference in the world and build a brighter future for all. You can visit our NGO at

What is the Golden Light?

In a realm where diverse energies, both seen and unseen, seek sustenance, it becomes imperative to safeguard our inner well-being. Discover the transformative power of Golden Energy, a divine stream of spiritual illumination that acts as a shield against negativity while infusing our lives with positivity and purpose. 


The Golden Light offers a solution, empowering individuals to cleanse and fortify their auras, embarking on a journey of healing and spiritual growth. Our dedicated energy healing practitioners guide us, helping us protect ourselves from negative influences and create a spiritual defense.

At the heart of The Golden Light philosophy lies the practice of invoking divine intervention and energy in the form of golden rays. This divine stream of energy, often referred to as Golden Energy, provides a powerful spiritual shield. When we visualize ourselves wrapped in this golden luminescence, descending like gentle rays from the heavens, we invite universal positivity into our very being.

Join us on a journey of healing and growth as we learn to activate and embrace The Golden Light, inviting a realm of peace, prosperity, and harmony into our existence. 

What is the purpose of the Golden Light?

  1. The Golden Light forms a protective barrier around our aura, shielding it from negative energies that may have seeped in.
  2. By surrounding ourselves with the Golden Light, we welcome happiness, peace, and heightened positivity into our lives.
  3. The Golden Light fosters harmony with our surroundings, aiding us in maintaining balance and tranquility in our daily lives.
  4. This divine energy encourages prosperity and growth, propelling us toward our life goals with renewed strength and focus.
  5. The Golden Light clears toxic energies, fear, anxiety, and other negative elements that hinder our spiritual and emotional growth.

How does the Golden Light Work?

Bhavna’s  Golden Light is an extraordinary force, a beacon of healing radiance that possesses the remarkable ability to transform, cleanse, heal, and nurture every aspect of our being. It embodies the essence of unconditional love—warm, nourishing, and profoundly nurturing. When experienced through an energy healing practitioner course, it has the power to awaken a deep sense of love, peace, and divinity within us. No matter the challenges we face or the emotional struggles we endure, Golden Light can guide us through, helping us surmount obstacles and restore a sense of balance to our lives.

Read how Bhavna’s Golden Light can illuminate your path to a fulfilling and peaceful life:

1. Coping with Negative Emotions:
Life often brings a barrage of negative emotions—stress, anxiety, guilt, and hatred—that can weigh heavily on our spirits. These emotions may stem from past traumas, lack of self-confidence, or life-altering events that turn our world upside down. In these challenging moments, Golden Light acts as a steadfast companion. Through energy healing practitioner training, you can harness the power of Golden Light to confront and cleanse these negative emotions, liberating your mind, body, and soul from their grasp.

2. Nurturing Spiritual Growth:
Spirituality holds a diverse role in our lives, yet many affirm its profound impact on happiness and fulfillment. Those who radiate joy often credit spirituality as a driving force that grants a sense of liberation and vitality. Energy healing certification programs, focusing on the Golden Light, provide a gateway to embrace your psychic abilities and sense the positive energies residing within your soul. With dedicated practice, unwavering belief, and heightened awareness, you can expedite your spiritual journey, uncovering peace, happiness, and the true purpose of your life.

3. Embracing Nature’s Harmony:
In the modern rush, we often overlook the vital connection we share with nature—an essential element for our well-being. Instead of seeking fleeting relief in bars or spas, true balance emerges when we connect with the world around us. Golden Light serves as a guiding teacher, helping us establish and maintain this vital harmony with nature and all that surrounds us.

Embark on a transformative journey with Bhavna, The Golden Light. Through personalized coaching and mentorship, Bhavna helps you break barriers and achieve your goals using the Golden Light’s energy. Experience healing Reiki sessions infused with the Golden Light’s essence, restoring harmony to body and mind. Join Bhavna’s workshops for practical insights on living in sync with the Golden Light’s wisdom. As an acclaimed speaker, Bhavna shares empowering messages worldwide, guided by the Golden Light. Dive into Bhavna’s books for illuminating guidance on self-discovery and growth. Retreats with Bhavna offer profound experiences in the embrace of the Golden Light. Let Bhavna and the Golden Light illuminate your path to transformation and empowerment.

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